Our ethical standards

In the Greater Africa organizations we take our mission very seriously, as we acknowledge the high level of responsibilities we take on while pursuing our goals for changing peoples lives. Therefore, we have developed a Framework for Ethics, with a toolkit for good ethical performance in all lines of our practical tasks, as well as our administrational functions.

We will keep uploading our documents to this page, as soon as they are translated to English. In the meantime, please see our Code of Conduct.

Building competence

Greater Africa in Norway has attended many seminars and conferences to attain a high level of competence on all areas regarding economic misconduct. We have sought advice from from professionals within the sector. These work for organizations like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD, Innsamlingsrådet, Red Cross and others. We have a good open dialogue with Innsamlingskontrollen. We will apply for approval from them as soon as we reach the minimum level of funding that they see necessary before applying.

We share our competence with our Ugandan counterparts for them to draw on the knowledge for practicing after Norwegian models.

Local commitment to Norwegian standards


The conditions for ethical practice are good. First of all the Government of Uganda established a massive campaign against corruption in 2013, and their initiatives has proven very effective. There is a lot less corruption today than it has been before, and it is moving in the right direction. We also have skilled team members who are experienced with how to get things done in a proper manner, avoiding any form of corruption. For all of our operations it is fully to withhold our zero tolerance within our work.

Binding agreement

Even with this foundation, we still want to ensure our Norwegian donors and partners that our operations have high standards of transparency and professionally, by abiding to Norwegian standards and practices. Therefore, we have made an agreement between our Norwegian organization and the Ugandan organizations, setting conditions for receiving money from Norway.

Our agreement will be published shortly.